Sunday, May 13, 2007

San Antonio

Terry, Dad, myself and Brandon in San Antonio.
So we all just got back from San Antonio today, and it is such a cool city. I had never been before. When I was here last year, I opted to check out Austin, but this year I got to see San Antonio and I am so glad I did!

We stayed at a hotel right on what they call The Riverwalk, which is a bunch of restaurants, pubs, etc right alongside the San Antonio River. It is also where I spent the bulk of my time, because it was so pretty and fun.

For those that don't know, San Antonio is home of the Alamo, which you have probably heard of, but if not, just google it. Lots of info on it. Needless to say, we walked through the Alamo. It was pretty neat.

Lots of Mexican food was had (sooo much Mexican influence in Texas) as were a few margaritas. I drank a cactus margarita, and it was surprisingly tasty. Of course Brandon tried one out too.

Anyway, San Antonio is a really cool place. I'm glad that Dad and Terry took us there.

But now our time in Texas is coming to a close, and we leave tomorrow to get on an airplane that will take us to Oman. It's been short but sweet. I have loved spending time with Dad and Terry here. I always have a fun time in Texas.

That's it from me for time I write, I will be in the Middle East. It's going to be a LONG plane ride.


Anonymous said...

Hope your flight to Oman went well. Look forward to hearing about the next part of your journey. Keep us posted.
Luv Tika

Anonymous said...

Hoping the flights to Germany and then to Oman weren't too outrageous. I look forward to hearing about it, although flying with Lufthansa it was probably just fine! Terry and I really enjoyed your time with us and it was terrific getting to know Brandon. We'll be sure to send some packages of grits and corn bread to Vancouver for your return.