Saturday, May 5, 2007


Hello everyone,

So as you know by now, this is where I will be periodically updating you all on my travels over the next 2 months. Brandon has threatened to write in here as well, but we shall see if he follows through on his threats.

So the plan is to hit up Texas for a week to visit dad and Tree, and then we will begin a wonderfully long and dull plane trip bordering on about 21 or 22 hours, where we will end up in Muscat, Oman for a couple weeks. Then we will head over to the United Arab Emirates and check out Dubai for a couple days. From there we fly into Amsterdam, and we will be touristy there for a bit, also checking out other cities in the area. Denmark is also on the agenda, and we'll be there for about 10 days before going back to Amsterdam for 2 days before flying home. Other places that we may include will be Brussels, Belgium and perhaps Sweden, since they are close and convenient. So why not, right? But we don't have everything planned quite yet. We'll just take it all as it comes.

The plane to Houston leaves on Tuesday at noon, a glorious 2 days from now.

And I can't tell you all how darn excited I am. I have never actually left North America before, as sad as that is, so this is a first, and honestly? I am pretty much exploding with excitement.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy reading my blog here, and feel free to reply and comment, or email me. It would be nice to hear from you guys while I am gone for these next two months.

- Alia


Brandon Hill said...

I will too post in here! Just you wait and see...

Anonymous said...

Well have fun guys! I want to see the cool pics of Dubai when you get back! Maybe that underwater hotel/restaurant is open now.. you should go check it out!


Anonymous said...

I look forward to watching your journey unfold! Have fun, take care and keep us posted.
Love Mom

Unknown said...

Brandon when are you going to post something? Keep it up Alia I am enjoying hearing about your travels!!!!!