Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In Oman

Brandon and I at the end of our flight to Muscat, Oman.
So here I am, typing out this entry from Oman. It is 6:30am here, and I have already gone on a walk with Brandon and his dog. Yes, I woke up at 5:30am (after falling asleep around 3am...), wide awake, thanks to my friend jet lag. It is currently 33C. HOT. We lasted about 15 minutes on our walk, and I was sweating.

So the plane ride...was alright. I do like Lufthansa. They fed us hot meals (I accidentally ordered vegan instead of vegetarian when I bought the flight, whoops) which actually tasted decent. Our first flight was delayed, thanks to crashed compters. We waited in the check in line for about 2.5 hours. But it was smooth sailing after that, and made our layover in Frankfurt shorter.

So this is the first time I have had to deal with more than 3 hours of jet lag, and boy, I can't even describe it. Last night as I was trying to sleep, my body was so tired from all the travelling, but falling asleep was difficult because it felt like I was going to bed for the night at about 1pm. Odd. And as we were flying, the sun set, and then it rose. There was no night. And it is night when it feels like day, and day when it feels like night. It's all very odd, but I am adjusting already, thank goodness.

And our arrival in the Muscat airport? Fantastic! Brandon's dad arranged everything for us, so when we got in, there was an Omani waiting for us, he led us to a room, took my passport and got my visa for me, then we got to bypass all the lines (which we would of had to wait in for over 2 hours, they were so long...), got our bags for us, put them through screening and led us right out. the whole thing was done in about 10 minutes when it would have taken us forever otherwise. It was awesome.

Anyway, no plans for today except for chilling out and relaxing and getting over jet lag.

I am looking forward to spending time here, because the little of Oman I have seen so far looks really neat. The buildings are so different, and the landscape too. I really look forward to my time here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up!
Luv K&T