Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The End

Ainsley, Matthew and I in the Netherlands!
We flew in to Amsterdam the morning following our Tivoli adventures, and we didn't do much. We went to the people's place we were staying at before and we relaxed. The following day was also spent relaxing and not doing much. Then yesterday, we met up with friends of mine, Matthew and Ainsley. We met in The Hague (Den Haag) where we went adventuring for some dutch pancakes. Then we went to the beach there, where it promply decided to storm on us and we got soaked to the bone in a matter of 30 seconds. We found dutch pancakes and poffertjes, had a latte, and ventured to the aquarium where we spent a good portion of time. It was then time to head back to Leiden, pack up, and go to bed so we could be awake for 4:15am in order to catch a 5am taxi (hurrah, early flights).

And now, we are back in Vancouver. Thus ends our adventures on the other side of the world.

Now, we battle jetlag for a couple days.

Thus concludes this blog. Thanks for following us on our adventures!

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