Friday, June 22, 2007

Denmark Time is Coming to a Close

Brandon at HC Andersen's House
I left you guys in Århus. After, we went to Odense where we checked into a hotel, thankyouvery much. I'm sorry, but hostels are just gross. So a hotel it was. About Holiday Inn quality, but twice as expensive. This is, after all, Denmark and everything is about twice as much as it is in VanCity (and I thought it was expensive there!)

Anyway, Odense. We went to the Hans Christian Anderson museum and his house, which I enjoyed quite a bit. And my Lonely Planet Denmark guide had this little neat walking tour laid out in it, so we followed that, and it took us through the small city to churches, HC Anderson thingamajigs, museums, a beautiful garden, and other such things. It was quite nice. We also had giant sandwiches from a cafe, and they were seriously delicious.

The next day we took a train back to Copenhagen (this was yesterday). We found ourselves a hotel in a very central location. Brandon left me in the room reading my book while he went out for a bit so he could "organize" things for my birthday. when he was back, we went out for a walk along the shopping street, Strøget, which took us quite a long time. We also found ourselves at the guiness book of world records museum which was interesting. (and I discovered I can only punch 31% of the record punch). I had another ginormous cafe sandwich (the danes really do good sandwiches, I admit). Then we went to an Imax movie and the planetarium, because Brandon has never been to a planetarium before.

Today is my birthday. I woke up and got a birthday cake with candles and everything, and I ate it for breakfast. Brandon ate it for breakfast too. He also sang for me. It was very cute. Then I opened the presents he got for me and then we headed to Tivoli, an amusement park. We've been going on rides and whatnot all day. Now we are back at the hotel to chill out for a while, then we are going out tonight.

Tomorrow we go back to Amsterdam where we will spend our last couple days before flying back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Li XOXOX, Dad and Tree